Exhibit at Orcas Center highlights non-traditional art pieces

A broad range of media, subjects and artistic approaches will be presented in the exhibit “Is It Art?,” opening at Orcas Center gallery beginning Friday, Feb. 4, and continuing throughout the month. As the whimsical show title may suggest, emphasis will be placed on work by artists who pursue less-”traditional” creative paths, with the intent of challenging or broadening viewers’ ideas of just what art is.

Among the variety of media on display will be photography, with special emphasis on digital imagery; smaller-scale multi-media art works; landscape design items; “found” art objects; art work embodying recycled materials; the work of The Exchange, and its continuing support of art, especially in schools; and public art, either tax-supported in public spaces or on private property but visible to, and shared by, passers-by.

A reception for the artists will be held Feb. 4 beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the Madrona Room.