Orcas Recycling Services/The Exchange is putting on its third-annual “Exchange at The Grange” Swap Meet, on Saturday, May 26 (Memorial Day Weekend). The Swap Meet will be held at the Orcas Island Grange Hall from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
“Swap meets are the original community reuse concept!” says Pete Moe, executive director of ORS. “This has turned into a really fun and popular event, and this year we are excited to have the Exchange open during the festivities.”
Everyone is welcome to join The Exchange in the goal of reuse by reserving a spot in the SWAP Meet. Uncovered 10’ x 10’ outdoor spaces are available, and 8’ table spaces are available inside the Grange.
The Exchange itself will be open all day, with specials throughout the store. There will be arts-and-crafts for kids, a hands-on bike repair clinic, and hot dogs and lemonade.
A “Trashion Fashion” Show, will also take place in the Grange at 2 p.m. Artists, designers, and models are all encouraged to bring their creativity and imagination to this ‘sustainable wearable’ competition. The Exchange will be hosting fashion making parties in the next few weeks—check the Exchange’s website at www.exchangeorcas.org or Facebook page for up-to-date information. Contact the show’s organizer directly at asifa@lotioncrafter.com.
As in previous years, the event is a fund-raiser for The Exchange. As part of that, a silent auction will be held inside the Grange over the course of the day.
Many unique, fun items discovered at the Exchange will be available. The Exchange also welcomes high-value items from the public to be included in the silent auction.
Swap Meet spaces are limited, and will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Spaces can be reserved now by calling ORS at 360-376-4089. A donation to the Exchange will be requested at the end of the Swap Meet.