Get ready for Olga Daze

Lots is happening to get ready for Olga Daze, which takes place in Olga on Saturday, July 19th beginning at 10:00am. There will be great food, great bargains, great music and new this year, a beer garden! Everyone gets to march in a parade through Olga, which is followed by special children's activities and games.

Lots is happening to get ready for Olga Daze, which takes place in Olga on Saturday, July 19th  beginning at 10 a.m.  There will be great food, great bargains, great music and new this year, a beer garden!  Everyone gets to march in a parade through Olga, which is followed by special children’s activities and games.

Two opportunities for great bargains will be a silent auction and a super yard sale.  If you have goods or services to donate to the silent auction, please contact Susan Gordon Bentley at 376-2299. Yard sale items can be dropped off at Olga Park on July 10, 11, 12, 17 and 18 from 4 to 6 pm.  If you are unable to drop off on those days contact Steve Emmes at 376-1461 or Paul Groeninger at 376-7070 to make special arrangements.

A tradition of Olga Daze is to raffle a beautiful handmade quilt made by Betty Marcum.  Raffle tickets will be on sale outside Island Market on weekends, on the Village Green after the July 5th parade or at Olga Daze.  The drawing will take place at Olga Daze but the winner does not need to be present to win.

All of the proceeds of Olga Daze go towards maintaining the 101 year old Olga Community Club building, one of the historical treasures of Orcas Island.