by Madie Murray
Orcas Island Farm to Cafeteria
“We want to give some organically grown melons to your school, and spend some time with the kids telling them how they are grown and how to save the seeds for planted in the school garden next year.”
Music to our ears!
Those words were from Robin Shurtleff Coates and her husband Norman who, last Friday, delivered about 30 Crimson Sweet melons to our public school. They also spent two hours in the school garden with Mandy Randolph’s Farm to Classroom kids, letting them smell, taste and learn all about the delicious melons they personally raised on their organic farm in Humbolt County.
“It was a great day,” Robin said. “It was definitely a highlight in the garden for the kids,” Mandy commented afterwards. “We’ll be sharing the rest of the melons and lessons with more of the Farm to Classroom kids next week.”
Our sincere thanks to Robin and Norman for the many gifts they have given to our program. And having them actually participate with the kids was particularly special.