Lahari Hospice to offer in-home care only

Lahari Volunteer Hospice is transitioning from facility care to in-home hospice.


Special to the Islands’ Sounder

Lahari Volunteer Hospice is transitioning from facility care to in-home hospice.

Since Lahari’s inception in 1996, the needs of the community have shifted. As the demand for in-home service grows, the use of the building has diminished. It has been almost two years since the facility in Deer Harbor was used for hospice.

“Now Lahari is providing more in-home hospice, offering hospice care, supplies, equipment and nursing services in the comfort and sanctuary of the patients’ home. This has been a nation wide trend,” Suzi Rose said, Lahari Administrator for the past eight years.

In response to the changing needs, a new board is being formed. It will focus on the future of the Lahari facility, ongoing support for Orcas hospice, and try to address issues of aging on Orcas, including education, assisted living and care-giving needs of our increasing elderly population. Until it is decided what the future use of the building will be, it will be cared for by a resident manager.

Rose made it clear that “the gardens will be open daily for public use,” and encourages people to visit. The gardens and water feature were donated by the Orcas Anthroposophical Trust in perpetuity, and were intended to be a community asset.