The Voyle B. Martin American Legion Post No. 93, is holding their annual membership drive on Saturday, Feb. 28 from noon to 10 p.m. Once a year, the post is allowed to invite the public to their lounge to enjoy the privileges of the post and learn about veterans’ and community programs and joining the legion.
There are three units of the legion, the post, the auxiliary and the Sons of the American Legion. The post is the veterans of all American wars, whether on US soil or on behalf of the US in another country. The auxiliary members are the grandmothers, mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters of veterans. The Sons of the American Legion (SAL), are male descendents of veterans, their great-grandfathers, grandfathers and fathers. Step-parents are welcome in each of the three units.
Each unit supports several veterans’ programs locally and throughout Washington State.
The members say that many in the community are eligible to join and that new members are needed to assist with maintaining current programs and to contribute new ideas and suggestions.
The legion always holds the membership drive during their annual fishing derby so that all may enjoy the full privileges of the club. This will be the 30th annual derby which welcomes fishing enthusiasts from all over Washington. Net proceeds go to the post’s ongoing programs.
Food will be served all weekend: Friday the post will be serving hamburgers, all the fixings, and salads for $7, on Saturday there will be spaghetti, French bread, green salad, and cake for $8, and on Sunday the menu will be chili, all the fixings, and rolls for $7.