Lopez Island Prevention Coalition awarded $625k ‘Drug-free Communities’ grant

By Martha Sharon and Georgeana Cook

Special to the Islands’ Sounder

Have you heard about the Lopez Island Prevention Coalition? It is a diverse group of Lopezians who are working to help prevent substance abuse, and support healthy choices for Lopez youth, and all ages. The coalition has been meeting for two years to build a collaboration of individuals, agencies, and organizations for this mission.

Lopez Island Prevention Coalition (LIPC) just joined Orcas Island Prevention Partnership, San Juan Island Prevention Coalition, and more than 700 other communities that have been awarded a Drug Free Communities grant. LIPC will receive $125,000 each year for five years, a total of $625,000. The grant can be renewed for another five years at the end of the cycle.

This is a big achievement for LIPC, and we would like to thank our mentor in this process: Cynthia Stark-Wickman, the coordinator of San Juan Island Prevention Coalition. Without her patience and guidance about the process, we would not have been able to achieve what we have been able to do in the last two years.

This program is administered by the office of National Drug Control Policy, in partnership with the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention. The idea of the coalition is to be supported by these grants until the group can become financially sustainable on its own.

The funds will be used to for training of members; to hire an executive coordinator, and a youth engagement facilitator; buying office supplies and equipment; activities on the island that support healthy choices for our youth; and coalition projects. Although a number of local agencies and organizations are members of the coalition, all funds from the grant will go to work and projects specific to the mission, and not to benefit the agencies.

LIPC welcomes community participation. If you are interested in becoming a member, please call 370.7515 or email marthas@sanjuanco.com or mycoachgmc@hotmail.com. Our youth coalition, the D.R.E.A.M. Team, welcomes new members, as well. Contact Alex Cook at 468-4934 or lopezbagelboy@gmail.com.

Martha Sharon and Georgeana Cook are members of the Lopez Island Prevention Coalition.