Men’s action group against domestic violence

April is Sexual Assault awareness month. It is a month that for most people passes without a thought about sexual assault. But for some, it is a grim reminder of a day or days that they would rather not remember. Each year there are an estimated 293,000 victims of sexual assault, one every 107 seconds


San Juan County Sheriff

April is Sexual Assault awareness month. It is a month that for most people passes without a thought about sexual assault. But for some, it is a grim reminder of a day or days that they would rather not remember.  Each year there are an estimated 293,000 victims of sexual assault, one every 107 seconds. Only 68 percent of all sexual assaults are reported to the police. Studies show that 2/3 of all assaults are committed by someone who knew the victim.

The effects of a sexual assault is dramatic and life changing for everyone. Personal relationships fall apart, self-esteem is destroyed, depression and often suicide attempts result. But the good news is this can all be avoided by educating our children and educating ourselves.

Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Services provide advocates for the victims of San Juan County. They are a non-profit organization which is funded strictly by grants and donations and volunteers.

Recently a Men’s Action Group was formed which is looking for male role models to stand up against domestic violence and sexual assault. If you are interested, contact the DVSAS offices. You can get their information from their website It is time we all stand up and put a stop to Domestic Violence and Sexual Assaults.