New spot for OFC

Orcas Family Connections is moving to larger office space as of Aug. 1 to 423 Prune Alley.

Orcas Family Connections is moving to larger office space as of Aug. 1 to 423 Prune Alley.

OFC has been serving families and individuals out of space in the Kaleidoscope Preschool building, generously donated since 2011. Following the recommendation and blessing of its board – made up of the directors of the Orcas preschools – the move represents the beginning of a process to strengthen OFC and expand services for the Orcas community.  With assistance from the Orcas Island Community Foundation, a new nine-member board has been formed under the leadership of Helen Bee and OICF advisor Diane Berreth. The new board’s mission is to examine current services and community needs and develop a plan to position OFC to become a stronger advocate and central service provider for Orcas Island.

Currently, OFC provides resource referrals and case management, and partners with state and local agencies for programs such as Community Wellness, Medical Ferry Tickets, Kindergarten Transition and Giving Tree, in addition to short term rental assistance, energy assistance and health plan navigation.

Orcas Family Connections staff Erin O’Dell and Kalie McGinnis can be reached at their new location at 423 Prune Alley, or 376-3184. They say a “big thank you” to all those who helped in the move.