Beginning Oct. 4 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room at the Orcas Senior Center, the Diabetes Support Group will meet on Mondays. Leaders for this group will be active diabetics Steve Gresham and Joyce Rupp with support from a host of guest medical professionals.
The first month’s meetings will be spent discussing feelings and emotions surrounding the disease.
“We’ll survey for topics you would like to hear about and set up a monthly schedule of speakers,” Rupp said. “Viewing a specific topic for four weeks from different perspectives should provide thorough coverage and ample time for conversation.”
Whether you are “pre-diabetic,” newly diagnosed, pill-controlled or insulin-dependent, organizers say participants will learn from each other and provide support and good cheer while dealing with this difficult subject.
All ages are welcome. No fee will be charged but a little basket to help with room rental or other expenses will be available.
Call Joyce Rupp at 370-0591 or the senior center at 376-2677 with questions.