Human Rights in the Twenty-First Century – First of several meetings in advance of Dec. 14 celebration by Friday Harbor chapter of Amnesty International
After hearing strong arguments on both sides of a proposal to lift the restriction that allows changes to the County’s Unified Development Code (UDC) and Comprehensive Plan to be enacted just once per year, the San Juan County Council decided it needed to hear more.
Schedule for San Juan County CAO Review Committee meeting, Tuesday, Sept. 16 at the Lopez Library Meeting Room from 10:45…
Two projects – an inviting pathway from the school to Orcas Center and yard work with low-income seniors – will mark this year’s United Way Day of Caring (DOC), on Sept. 24, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Young adult writers were challenged to write about ‘Preserving what’s important in a changing world’ and ‘Imagine the Islands without land conservation’ in essay or poem format for the third annual young adult essay contest sponsored by the San Juan County Land Bank.
Beginning this week, Orcas Island Children’s House will be launching its year-long Anniversary plans with activities and special events planned to get the buildings and grounds in spruced-up condition.
The Lopez Center for Community and the Arts will be presenting America’s Cowboy Review, “The World Loves a Cowboy” on Saturday, Sept. 20 at 7:30 p.m.
Secluded in a shallow bay, a hermit wades to his ankles and stops.
John Steinbeck’s “East of Eden” will be the subject of the Fall Literature class.
A six-week course called Introduction to Birding Orcas Island will be offered by Kim Middleton at the Orcas Island Public Library on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to noon, beginning Oct. 4. The course will involve five classroom sessions and one field trip. “Whether you like to travel, get out in nature, or watch the birds in your backyard, you will learn lifelong techniques to enhance your birding experience and increase your success in identifying birds,” says Orcas Librarian Nita Couchman.