Tim Clark, Farm Preservation Coordinator, makes recommendations to Council
Solar and wind power best island alternatives, says Youngren.
Public Works road crews will be spraying sealant on 22 miles of the most-traveled roads in Orcas over the four day period beginning July 7. It is part of a program to “fog seal” all roads that handle more than 1000 autos per day.
National panel seeks applicants from environmental, academic, state, tribal, consumer and national constituencies. Applications deadline is July 21.
The Chamber of Commerce-sponsored parade will go through Eastsound, beginning at 11 a.m. on Saturday, July 5. Please call 376-2273 for further information.
The website for The Humane Society if theUnited States has great tips for keepingyour dog safe this 4th of July weekend…
Time and tide wait for no man – but it’s different for goats. When Jan Sanburg’s nanny goat, Apple, was in distress delivering her two kids on June 27, the interisland ferry backtracked to Shaw Island and then diverted back to Orcas Island so that veterinarian Ron Schuler could assist the mother goat.
County Fire Marshal announces high fire danger
Angelica Mayo’s eyes shine as she speaks about her new counseling service, “Anima Mundi, Center for Imaginative Studies.” She looks forward to sharing her educational skills and training people who decide it is time to work through personal issues that have been holding them back. “The whole thing is about helping people help themselves. Anima Mundi (from Latin) means ‘tending the soul of the world,’” says Mayo.
Orcas Power & Light Cooperative (OPALCO) crews responded at 9 a.m. on Wednesday, June 25 to an outage due to a fault in the submarine cable that runs from the Lopez substation to serve Decatur, Blakely and Center Islands.
This Wednesday, July 2, the summer recreational crabbing season opens in San Juan County. Simultaneously, volunteers from the local office of the WSU Beach Watchers Program will begin visiting selected docks throughout the county to hand out information about crab pot escape cords, and free samples of the cord.
On Friday, June 20, the teaching schooner Adventuress, out of Port Townsend, ran aground in Wasp Pass about noon and floated again just before 4:30 p.m., according to Lee Brown, resident of Double Island and owner of the Double Time. Brown’s boat was taking guests to the Orcas ferry landing when she diverted to assist the Adventuress.