An Orcas Island man who snatched a bag containing $523 in donations while working for food in the kitchen of the American Legion in September was sentenced to 20 days in jail after pleading guilty to misdemeanor theft.
Earlier this month, the Lopez Community Land Trust (LCLT) received $100,000 from the Paul G. Allen Family Foundation for its fourth affordable housing project, “Sustainable Community Homes,” currently under construction outside of Lopez Village. It will have 11 homes, two rental units, and an office/resource center.
The Funhouse has received a significant grant from the Washington State Department of Early Learning (DEL) to improve its services to children ages 1-5 in our community.
On Thursday, May 1, the peak season officially begins at WSDOT Ferries Division with an additional 25 percent surcharge applied generally to full fare vehicle/driver tickets. On most routes, the peak season surcharge does not affect passenger fares or frequent user multi-ride fares except on the Anacortes/San Juan routes. Summer parking rates at Anacortes will also go into effect on May 1.
Julian Glasser, Orcas High School junior, was the organizing force behind the largest-ever Orcas Island Earth Day parade on April 22.
Islanders can expect a new set of stormwater fees to be unveiled by the San Juan County Council sometime in July.
The one definite thing that resulted from a two-hour Fire Commissioners’ meeting on April 22 came at its conclusion, when Fire Chief Mike Harris announced that he would be asking the Fire Commissioners for a one-year extension of his contract. Harris’ current contract expires on Dec. 31, 2009.
Chairman` of San Juans’ FAC dismissed; council members cite unnamed officials’ complaints of “hostile and beligerent” dealings.
San Juan Journal staff report
Advice, technical assistance to be offered as part of annual inspections of local businesses
Gudgell’s offices to serve as a Windermere branch office until new Windermere offices are completed in 2009.