Preliminary budget for San Juan County

The 2017 Preliminary Budget for San Juan County has been published. The theme of the 2017 Budget Message is "Building for the Future." With the effects of the Great Recession now largely behind the County, the goal for the 2017 budget is to look forward, positioning the County to serve its citizens for the next 20 years. The budget can see viewed at:

The 2017 Preliminary Budget for San Juan County has been published. The theme of the 2017 Budget Message is “Building for the Future.” With the effects of the Great Recession now largely behind the County, the goal for the 2017 budget is to look forward, positioning the County to serve its citizens for the next 20 years. The budget can see viewed at:

Included in the budget are a “Status Quo” scenario, which includes no discretionary changes from 2016, and a “Preliminary” column, which includes requests as recommended by the Budget Team.

In addition to budget detail, the Budget Book represents a thorough picture of the purpose and mission of San Juan County. The Overview section includes the Budget Message, as well as general information about the County. Sections organized by function (Legislative & Administrative, Financial Services, Community Services, Law & Justice, and Public Works) follow. Within those sections, every department is described, including their individual missions, accomplishments of 2016, and goals for 2017. In addition, in the Department Requests section, every request for new or increased funding is described in detail.

The Budget Team is comprised of County Auditor Milene Henley, County Manager Mike Thomas, Chief Deputy Auditor Kim Herrenkohl, and Health and Community Services Director Mark Tompkins.