Submitted by David Turnoy.
Candidate Jason Call, running for our local Congressional seat, will be visiting San Juan and Orcas Islands next week. Jason came within one percentage point of getting to the general election against incumbent Rick Larsen in 2020, and if he is successful this year in finishing at least second in the primary, we can expect to have a good campaign debate between Jason and Rep. Larsen on the issues. Jason stands for universal healthcare, a Green New Deal, and other progressive positions, and he takes no PAC money.
Jason will be at Sunken Park on San Juan Island on Tuesday, Feb. 15, from 12:15 until 2:45, though if the weather is wet, he will appear at Jackson Beach instead. He will be on Orcas at the Village Green the next day, Wednesday, Feb. 16, from 1:15 until 3:30. You will find Jason bright, well-informed, and engaging. Come on out to meet him.