Sheriff’s office has new tip line

The Sheriff’s Office has launched a new tip line for public use. The number is 370-7629. This tip line goes directly to a voice mailbox in the Sheriff’s Office and is checked each business day. Tips may be left anonymously.

The Sheriff’s Office has launched a new tip line for public use.

The number is 370-7629. This tip line goes directly to a voice mailbox in the Sheriff’s Office and is checked each business day. Tips may be left anonymously.

“This tip line should not be used to report crimes in progress, or for calls that would require a response from a deputy,” said Sheriff Rob Nou. “The tip line goes directly to a voice mailbox; it is not pre-screened by any staff.”

To report crimes in progress, call 911. To make a non-emergency report or contact specific deputies, callers should continue to use the Sheriff’s business line: 378-4151.

These numbers are toll free throughout San Juan County.

Tips may also be sent via email through an off-site clearinghouse at also offers a toll free number for drug tips at 1-800-47-DRUGS. Information submitted through this off-site vendor is delayed before reaching the Sheriff’s Office.

“Tips provide an opportunity for the public to contribute vital information to law enforcement to assist in solving crimes and addressing community problems,” Nou said. “We welcome the extra eyes and ears throughout the islands to help us better serve and protect you.”