Special three-day candidate filing period

Submitted by SJC Elections Office.

Whew! You almost missed your chance to run for office. Fortunately, you’ll get a second chance. During the candidate filing period in May, several of the offices open for filing had no candidates filed. When no one files for an open office, it’s called a “void in candidacy.” When that occurs after a regular filing period, a special three-day filing period is opened for only those offices for whom no candidates filed.

The local races that will be open for filing are all local special-purpose districts: fire, park and recreation, cemetery and water districts.

According to County Auditor Milene Henley, “These districts are vitally important to local communities, affecting all parts of local life. If you’re looking for a way to make a difference, run for a local elected office. The first step to running is filing.”

The San Juan County Elections Office will hold a special three-day filing period starting Wednesday, Aug. 14, and ending on Friday, Aug. 16. Persons interested in filing as a candidate can do so online, by mail, by email or in person. The Online Candidate Filing Wizard and paper Declaration of Candidacy can both be found at www.sanjuanco.com/elections.