Spring barn dance

Put on your dancing shoes and come on out to the Big Spring Barn Dance and Community Fundraiser at the San Juan County Fairgrounds’ Main Building, Saturday, May 23 from 7 to 11 p.m.

The Rhythmatics will headline the night with a danceable mix of rock ‘n roll, blues, rhythm and blues classics and original songs.

The One More Time Band will kick off the evening with their big band sound of upbeat swing and jitterbug. This group of island musicians is celebrating their 31st anniversary.

A beer garden and coffee and tea bar will help support local organizations, including the San Juan County Fair, 4H, Lion’s Club, and the San Juan Sailing Foundation.

Advance tickets at the fair office are 2 for $15 and tickets at the door will be $10 each. Student tickets are $5, kids 5 and under are free. For more information, contact the fair office at 378-4310 or info@sanjuancountyfair.org.