Steel electrics sold for scrap

WSDOT Ferries Division Assistant Secretary David Moseley announced last week that the four Steel Electric Class ferries, which were retired last November (including the Illahee, which served the San Juan Islands route) will be purchased by Environmental Recycling Systems (ERS). ERS’ purchase offer is $500,000 for the ferries, plus ten percent of the recycling revenue. The vessels will be removed by ERS within 45 days of the closing sale.

WSDOT Ferries Division Assistant Secretary David Moseley announced last week that the four Steel Electric Class ferries, which were retired last November (including the Illahee, which served the San Juan Islands route) will be purchased by Environmental Recycling Systems (ERS). ERS’ purchase offer is $500,000 for the ferries, plus ten percent of the recycling revenue. The vessels will be removed by ERS within 45 days of the closing sale.

WSF also received an offer to purchase the two passenger-only ferries, Chinook and Snohomish, from Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District out of San Francisco that is under review by Moseley.