Stolen strings, looped links, impatient islanders | San Juan County Sheriff’s Log

The San Juan County Sheriff’s Office responded to the following calls.

August 14

• Orcas deputies responded to a report of vandalism. After probable cause was found, an individual was arrested for second-degree malicious mischief, and booked into the county jail.

• An Orcas deputy was dispatched to a report of a suspicious call.

• On San Juan, a deputy stopped the driver of a vehicle for traveling 39 mph in a posted 25 mph speed zone, and issued the driver citations for speeding, for not having insurance, and for failing to wear a safety belt.

• A Lopez deputy was dispatched to a report of the theft of a guitar. The investigation is ongoing.

August 15

• A Lopez deputy conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle traveling on Fisherman Bay Road. The driver was issued a citation for speeding.

August 16

• On Orcas, a deputy responded to a citizen dispute. Onsite, the deputy contacted all the involved parties and determined the problem to be about loose dogs and good neighbor issues. While no crime was committed, deputies did issue several no-trespassing letters.

• A deputy was contacted about a possible order violation on San Juan. The caller said another person was making comments about them on the internet. There is a court order between the involved people.

• A Lopez deputy responded to a request for a citizen assist.

• After several items had been stolen from a local business, deputies were called and ultimately arrested a juvenile for theft (shoplifting).

• After a Lopez deputy responded to a harassment call, the matter was determined to be civil.

• A Lopez deputy stopped the driver of a vehicle, who subsequently received a citation for speeding, 48 mph in a posted 35 mph zone.

August 17

• A San Juan deputy observed a vehicle being driven in the wrong direction on a one-way street and arrested the driver for driving under the influence.

• An investigation continues on Orcas after deputies received a report of a theft.

• Deputies responded to a report that a child on San Juan had been bitten by the family dog, and had received medical attention.

• At some point during the night on Lopez, someone vandalized the golf course by making circular tire tracks on the green near one of the holes. Deputies have the matter under investigation.

• A deputy stopped a motorcyclist in Friday Harbor and issued the driver several verbal warnings in addition to citations for operating a motorcycle without a helmet, and for not having a motorcycle endorsement.

• An Orcas deputy stopped the driver of a vehicle and issued them a citation for speeding, 41 mph in a posted 25 mph zone.

• Orcas deputies were dispatched to a report of a person driving under the influence. An investigation was conducted, probable cause was sent to the prosecutor’s office, and the incident was documented.

• Deputies on Orcas responded to a possible domestic incident. After investigation, the complaint was deemed unfounded.

• A San Juan deputy responded to a report of found property. The owner was not located and the property was entered into evidence.

• An Orcas deputy stopped the driver of a vehicle on Mt. Baker Road and issued them a citation for speeding, 46 mph in a posted 25 mph zone.

• A deputy on San Juan responded to a report of a hit-and-run with property damage. Evidence was collected on the scene and a report was completed.

• An Orcas deputy stopped the driver of a vehicle and gave them multiple traffic warnings.

• Orcas deputies were dispatched to a report of someone driving under the influence. An investigation was conducted, and probable cause was later submitted to the prosecutor’s office.

August 18

• On San Juan, deputies received three separate reports of fraud: A person who identified themself as local law enforcement, claimed they had warrants for their arrest and requested money be sent to them for bail. There has been no financial loss to date.

• Deputies were dispatched to a reported trespassing in the Friday Harbor area. A local business requested a trespass warning letter be served, however, the person to be served was not at the location.

• On Orcas, deputies responded to a possible domestic incident. After investigation, the deputies determined there was insufficient probable cause to believe a crime had been committed.

• A Lopez deputy stopped the driver of a vehicle and issued a citation for speeding 40 mph in a posted 25 mph zone; additional warnings were also given.

• On another occasion, a driver on Lopez was cited for speeding, 40 mph in a posted 25 mph zone.

• A Lopez deputy was dispatched to a report of disorderly conduct.

August 19

• A deputy on Orcas received a referral from Adult Protective Services. It was determined to be unfounded.

• Deputies on Orcas responded to a report of a domestic dispute. After investigation, deputies determined there was insufficient probable cause to believe a crime had been committed.

• A driver on Lopez received a citation for traveling 44 mph in a 25 mph zone on Fisherman Bay Road

• In the mail, a San Juan deputy received a boat accident report that had occurred on July 10. The accident resulted in substantial damage to the vessel and no injuries were reported.

August 20

• A deputy on San Juan responded to a report of a non-aggravated assault at a local hotel. The reporting party did not wish to pursue the matter criminally, rather they wanted the individual trespassed. The individual left the scene on foot; attempts to locate them were made.

• A Lopez deputy stopped the driver of a vehicle on Fisherman Bay Road. The driver subsequently received multiple warnings, as well as a speeding citation for driving 38 mph in a posted 25 mph zone.

• Deputies on Orcas responded to a domestic dispute. One of the involved was arrested for malicious mischief – domestic violence, assault in the third degree – domestic violence, and interfering with a report of domestic violence.