The San Juan County Land Bank is inviting public comment on its Draft Stewardship and Management Plan for Turtleback Mountain Preserve through March 31. The plan elaborates on the theme of Turtleback as a natural area that will be managed to protect the land’s native species, habitats, and other noteworthy features, and to enable low-impact, compatible public use.
The plan considers Turtleback’s ecological and cultural resources, public access, financial analysis and schedule, and includes public access maps and a listing of priority habitats and species. It is available at
The San Juan County Land Bank invites public comment on its draft plan for Turtleback in writing to Land Bank, 350 Court St. #6, Friday Harbor 98250. The last public meeting will be on San Juan Island on Wednesday, March 12.
The finalized plan will replace the existing Interim Management Plan. It will direct stewardship of the Preserve for years to come. Phone 378-4402.