Unemployment is up from last July

Washington state's employment security department released unemployment data for July 2016 on Tuesday, Aug. 23.

Washington state’s employment security department released unemployment data for July 2016 on Tuesday, Aug. 23.

The unemployment rate in San Juan County was 4.5 percent for the month July. Statewide, the unemployment rate was 5.7 percent. Unemployment levels are up both locally and statewide from last summer. In July 2015, San Juan County’s unemployment rate was 3.7 percent, and Washington state’s was 5.5 percent.

Keep in mind: Unemployment rates at the county level are not seasonally adjusted because the sample size is too small to accommodate that additional analysis. Therefore, they should not be compared directly to the seasonally adjusted statewide rate.

County unemployment rates and employment data for July 2016 can be found at https://esd.wa.gov/labormarketinfo/monthly-employment-report and https://esd.wa.gov/labormarketinfo/labor-force.