Wayward wallets; spirits-filled sibling; mailbox malice | San Juan County Sheriff’s Log

The San Juan County Sheriff’s office responded to the following calls.

Sept. 14

• An Orcas deputy took a report of a found wallet and booked it into evidence for safekeeping.

• A Lopez deputy responded to a theft call. Once the deputy investigated the allegation, they learned that the item never belonged to the reporting party and was reclaimed by the legal owner.

• A San Juan deputy responded to a report of found property. The property was entered into evidence as the owner’s whereabouts were unknown.

• A deputy took custody of a debit card that was found in Friday Harbor and entered it into evidence as found property.

• Lopez deputies responded to a domestic disturbance. One of the involved parties was arrested for domestic violence fourth-degree.

Sept. 15

• A San Juan deputy stopped the driver of a vehicle because the owner had a suspended driver’s license. The driver was issued a criminal citation for driving with a suspended license, third-degree.

• A deputy on San Juan conducted a welfare check and found the subject was fine and did not need any help.

• A Lopez deputy stopped a speeding driver who, when the officer approached, explained they were heading to their son, who called when he fell off his scooter and said he was bleeding on the side of the road. The deputy and driver found the son, who had a minor scrape but was not badly injured.

• A San Juan deputy responded to a call where the person appeared to be suffering from the effects of psychedelic substances. Medical aid was provided and the patient was released to a responsible adult.

• In Friday Harbor, a woman dropped off a brown paper bag at a local business and left. The item discovered inside was likely to be narcotics. An identification of the person who dropped off the bag is believed to be known and the case remains active.

• County sheriff personnel witnessed an individual walk into an Eastsound business that he had been trespassed from in the years prior. It has yet to be determined if the trespass order from the establishment for the person is still in effect.

Sept. 16

• A deputy was dispatched to a welfare check on San Juan and, when they checked in with the people living at the residence, did not see any issues.

• An Orcas deputy cited the owner of a boat at Obstruction Pass public dock with a county mooring violation.

• A deputy investigated a report of fraud on Orcas. The victim answered a phone call and forwarded the scammers approximately $2,000 via an online money transfer program.

• An Orcas deputy assisted a citizen with the disposal of an unwanted firearm and booked into evidence for destruction.

• A Lopez deputy received a referral from adult protective services. An investigation revealed no crime had been committed.

• An Orcas deputy responded to a call of a hit-and-run accident which, once investigated, was determined not to be a hit-and-run as all parties involved had exchanged information.

• A deputy on San Juan responded to a report of a hit-and-run. The reporting party did not wish to pursue the matter as a crime and wanted to go through their insurance. The damage also did not meet the reporting requirements.

• A San Juan deputy responded to a report of a found wallet. the owner was contacted and the property was returned.

• A drunk person called to report that their older sibling took their car keys because they did not want them to drive drunk. A Lopez deputy responded to the scene and thanked the older sibling.

• A deputy on San Juan responded to a report of an unwanted person, who was arrested and booked into county jail for harassment domestic violence and driving under the influence.

• Deputies responded to a two-vehicle collision on Orcas in which one driver crossed the double yellow center line and struck the other vehicle. The driver that caused the accident was believed to be driving under the influence and was arrested.

Sept. 17

• A Lopez deputy responded to a non-criminal domestic incident and made a referral to Safe San Juans.

• A deputy on San Juan responded to a report of a person ingesting drugs on the ferry. The subjects were contacted and subsequently issued trespassing notices for the state ferries.

• An Orcas deputy responded to a non-injury collision on Trail Head Road. Once the deputy arrived it was determined no accident had occurred and the vehicle was only stuck in a ditch with no damage.

• Deputies on San Juan are investigating a report of possible fraudulent activity on a vulnerable adult’s finances.

• A Lopez deputy responded to a complaint about a speeding motorcyclist. A description was obtained and enforcement action will be taken when the rider is located.

• A deputy on San Juan responded to a local business that wanted to trespass an individual. A trespass letter was completed, and the individual will be served the letter once they’re located.

• A deputy on Orcas responded to a report that two people who had previously skipped out on a bar tab had returned to that business. The suspects were contacted, paid the bill, and were trespassed from that location.

Sept. 18

• A deputy was dispatched to a traffic hazard on San Juan created by multiple signs – political, garage sale, real estate – impeding the roadway. The deputy picked up the signs.

• A deputy on San Juan was dispatched to a report of malicious mischief involving a damaged mailbox. Photos were taken of the damage.

• Deputies received a wallet that was found on San Juan and entered it into evidence.

• A debit card was found on San Juan, turned over to the sheriff’s office, and entered into evidence.

• A deputy on San Juan was asked to conduct a welfare check and check on the well-being of one of the caller’s family members. The deputy located the individual and was informed they were happy and doing fine.

• A Lopez deputy and EMS responded to a welfare check of a person in crisis. Upon medical review, a friend transported the person to the mainland for treatment.

• A San Juan deputy stopped and issued a driver a citation for passing multiple cyclists and a vehicle in a no-passing zone.

Sept. 19

• An Orcas deputy took a phone call about possible human remains located on Patos Island. An investigation was started and turned over to the San Juan County Coroner’s office. No crime is suspected at this time.

• A deputy took possession of an item found in a public restroom in Friday Harbor and booked it into evidence.

• A deputy on San Juan was dispatched to a two-vehicle accident with minor injuries. One of the vehicles had drifted into the lane of the other, damaging both vehicles.

• Finding no available contact information for the owner, deputies on San Juan impounded an abandoned vehicle that had been parked blocking a public roadway.

• A deputy on San Juan took a report and photographs of suspected vandalism at a residence. At the time of the report, there was no suspect information or workable leads.

• Deputies on San Juan responded to a report that a vulnerable adult was being threatened by the supposed caretaker. However, no crime appeared to have been committed. The suspect left the property and will be issued a trespass notice.

Sept. 20

• An Orcas deputy responded to a complaint of littering on North Beach Road. An investigation was conducted, and it was determined no crime was committed.

• A San Juan deputy responded to a report of trespassing. The deputy located the persons in question and issued them a trespass warning letter for multiple properties.

• An Orcas deputy took a report of the theft of a package from a private residence.