Wildcat wood wallop, domestic disturbance ditch and leery liquid | San Juan County Sheriff’s Log

The San Juan County Sheriff’s Office responded to the following calls:

April 25

• An Orcas deputy conducted a traffic stop in Eastsound. The driver was issued a citation for speeding, 38 mph in a 25-mph zone.

• A driver was issued a citation by a San Juan Island deputy for failing to stop at stop sign and warned for expired vehicle registration.

A San Juan Island deputy was dispatched to a report of a residential burglary that was later found out to be a landlord violation. An informational report was taken.

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• A Lopez deputy took a report that a subject had violated the conditions of release imposed by the court in a recent case.

• A Lopez Island deputy took a report of tree theft from the Lopez Hill Preserve. The steward for the land bank discovered where two trees had been cut for firewood. One of the trees had been standing timber, cut down by the perpetrator.

• A deputy stopped a vehicle on Orcas Road for a lane travel violation at night. Further investigation revealed there was probable cause to believe the driver was DUI. The driver was arrested, processed and released. Charging decisions are pending blood test results.

• Deputies responded to a report of a domestic violence incident in Eastsound. After further investigation, it was determined no assault took place. A report was written.

April 26

• A driver was issued a citation for failure to wear a seat belt and warned for expired vehicle registration in Friday Harbor.

• A Lopez deputy responded to a citizen’s complaint of a dog at large near their sheep. The dog was detained, returned to its owner and a dog-at-large citation was issued.

• A Lopez deputy stopped a man who was driving 38 mph in a 25-mph zone of Fisherman Bay Road. The man was issued citations for speeding and driving with a suspended license.

• A deputy issued a citation to a driver for failure to stop at a stop sign and warned them for speeding in Friday Harbor.

• A deputy issued a citation for speeding and not having insurance in Friday Harbor.

• A deputy issued a citation for speeding in Friday Harbor.

• A deputy stopped a vehicle in the Lopez Village after he saw him speeding. The deputy issued the driver a speeding ticket.

April 27

• A deputy was dispatched to investigate a drug overdose on San Juan Island.

• An Orcas deputy investigated a report of child abuse.

• A deputy issued a citation to a driver for speeding and for not having a valid operating license in Friday Harbor.

• A Lopez deputy stopped a vehicle on Port Stanley Road after he saw the driver not wearing his seatbelt. He issued the driver a ticket for failing to wear his seatbelt and for not having vehicle insurance.

• An Orcas deputy responded to a reported vehicle collision. Further investigation suggested a female driver had been driving at an unsafe speed, attempted to avoid a collision, sideswiped another vehicle and impacted a sidewalk. The driver was issued a citation for negligent driving.

April 28

• A San Juan deputy was contacted by a person reporting a suspicious circumstance. The person reported that someone entered a vehicle and poured liquid in the passenger area.

• A Lopez deputy observed a subject with a flashlight moving among the boats in the Lopez Islander Resort Marina. The deputy found a marina guest out walking his dog at night.

April 29

• An Orcas deputy was dispatched to a domestic incident. It was determined that it was verbal only. A report was taken.

• An anonymous female delivered an iPhone and wallet to dispatch on San Juan Island and indicated that the items had been found on the sidewalk outside of Herb’s Tavern.

• The reporting deputy was dispatched to the Friday Harbor area in reference to trespassing. The involved parties were contacted and one person was served with a trespass warning letter.

• A deputy on Orcas located a subject with a misdemeanor warrant. The subject was arrested on the warrant as well as possession of dangerous drugs.

• A Lopez Island deputy investigated a two-vehicle, no-injury collision on Ferry Road. A local man was issued citations for driving while his license was suspended or revoked in the third degree and for unsafe backing. One vehicle was disabled in the crash and was towed from the scene.

• A Friday Harbor deputy responded to a medical call involving an inmate in the jail. The inmate was treated and released from the Emergency Room at Peace Island Medical Center and transported back to the jail. An information report made.

• A deputy responded to a report of a domestic incident in Friday Harbor. It was found that the disturbance was only a verbal argument and not domestic violence.

April 30

• A Lopez deputy was called to do a civil standby for a tenant moving personal property from a rental after a lengthy dispute.

• The reporting deputy had contact with a person known to have a warrant while in the Friday Harbor area. The person was arrested and transported to the sheriff’s office. The person was booked into custody.

• A Friday Harbor deputy issued a citation for failing to stop at a stop sign.

• A Friday Harbor deputy issued citations for failing to stop at a stop sign and no proof of insurance. The deputy gave warnings for expired vehicle registration and for not having registration documentation..

May 1

• A deputy on Orcas responded to a report of a lost cell phone

• A deputy was dispatched to citizen dispute in Friday Harbor. A deputy made contact and took a report.

• A deputy on Orcas stopped a vehicle for speeding. The driver was issued a citation for speeding 40 mph in a 25-mph zone.

• A deputy on Orcas stopped a driver with no license plate on their trailer. The driver was issued a citation.

• A deputy on Orcas arrested a subject on a felony warrant. The subject posted bail and was released.

• A Lopez deputy received a found wallet and it was returned to the owner.

• A Lopez deputy ticketed a vehicle left parked in the roadway near Watmough.

• Deputies responded to a report of a domestic violence incident in Eastsound.The suspect fled the scene prior to arrival and has not yet been located. A report was completed Further efforts are being made to locate the suspect.