Farewell to Big Bob
October 9, 1954 – February 14, 2021
Robert Lee Powell slipped into the next realm, holding the hand of Aesenatha, a Polynesian lady who cared for him the last week of his life. Because of her, and many other people, we were able to help Bob find some comfort and peace for the first time in many years. He is survived by a half-brother, Grover Ford of North Carolina, a half-sister, Carolyn Flewelling of Oklahoma, many nephews, nieces, and cousins in those states, and Florida, and by Orcas Island friends in the northwest and in California.
His last wish, to die peacefully in a home environment and able to have company, was made possible … and one more Fidalgo Inn cheeseburger.
Bob should best be remembered for his generosity and for his willingness to fight the good fight in true John Wayne style. Although I never heard of him actually hurting anyone, he was known to smash up some equipment if it didn’t work properly. Shovels mostly. While most could predict a big Bob reaction to any situation, he would sometimes surprise, and do or say something we thought to be out of his perceived character. Let’s just say he knew how to be a gentleman, and sometimes reserved that art form for those most deserving. He once wrote in a memorial guest book “… thank you for your art, your heart and your willingness to share them.”
His memory will no doubt live on in the hearts and minds of those of us who knew him, and we’ll remember the countless hay hauling and well drilling stories he liked to tell. So long Bob; thank you, for your heart, your art, and for sharing.
Thank you Hospice of the Northwest and all of its dedicated and caring people who deserve all our gratitude for being there when we need them most; and to everyone at Orcas Community Resource Center, and the Orcas Senior Center as well. Please consider them when you are looking for a most-worthy non-profit to support. Remember, life is art, and sharing brings happiness. Thank you Evans Chapel, and to everyone who showed their love and kindness at this time. Thank you.
A celebration of life is planned in May. For more information call or text 360-622-8287.
Submitted by Miguel.