While driving from Eastsound to Olga in the dreary, gray, rainy weather, I noticed many vehicles did not have on their headlights. They were difficult to see as the weather “grayed-out” color, etc.
It reminded me of an accident, thankfully minor, I had years ago in similar weather. Cars were waiting in the oncoming left turn lane to safely turn into a paved road. I was making a right turn into the same road with my turn signal on, but no headlights. The oncoming car immediately turned directly in front of me from the turn lane and I had nowhere to go because of oncoming cars in the through lane. Result; I was hit on the driver’s side of my car, fortunately in the front portion. I was unable to brake because of how quickly he turned in front of me even though I was moving very slowly. Witnesses couldn’t understand why he had turned directly into my path.
Since this accident, I always turn on my headlights when it is dusk or the weather is gray. I highly recommend you do the same. Happy driving!
Diane Baxter
Orcas Island