We wish to extend a heartfelt thank you to the voters of Orcas Island for your support of our school levy. The renewal of the Maintenance and Operational Levy will ensure essential funding source for another four years.
As the state legislature struggles to implement ample funding for education, Orcas and most other districts rely on their voters for additional funding. We here on Orcas and Waldron are fortunate to have such a supportive community. Our desire to provide the best chance for educational success to our children is what compels us to ask you, our neighbors, for your generous support.
We will be careful stewards of your generosity and will continue the work to ensure that our children receive the best educational and extracurricular opportunities. You have come to expect excellence in our schools and this levy will help immensely.
We recognize that our local community supports students not only with the passage of this levy but also with parental involvement, volunteerism and community attendance at sporting events, concerts and other student activities. We are humbled by the support we receive from you year after year and are honored to serve these children and this community as your School Board Directors.
Tony P Ghazel, Chair
Chris Sutton, Vice Chair
Janet Brownell
Scott Lancaster
Greg White