I don’t envy county management and their difficult position of trying to fill jobs in times of worker shortages. That said, the 32 hour work week is an embarrassing, sad reflection on our community. Hardworking taxpayers of San Juan County are now funding full time pay and benefits for part time work? Really? Claiming in one sentence that this does not come with a change in county services and next saying offices may have to adjust their hours or close one day a week is contradictory. That is a loss of service and to claim otherwise is dishonest.
I wonder what the diligent, industrious private business owners and staff think about the argument that a 40-hour week does not allow for a “good work-life balance” as they work 50, 60 plus hours a week for the success of their enterprise. Clearly raised to understand that money comes from work and recognizing the dignity of working hard they know that the balance of industry and personal life is up to each individual to manage themselves. What a proclamation of entitlement that our government workers need to spend time with family, volunteer, travel and go to appointments while expecting private workers to fully fund their now part time profession.
I have always found our county workers to be professional and dedicated. Having pride in their work, many will have to go above and beyond the 32 hours to complete their workload. The implication that Gen X, Y, Z as a whole reject traditional work life seems insulting to the many youth that work extremely hard in our community. Set the bar low and guess what you will get? What happens a few years from now when 32 hours is just too hard?
Lauren Cohen
San Juan Island