
Liver Flow Plus Review: Is This the Solution for Long-Term Liver Health?

Have you been monitoring your stool consistency lately? How would you describe it? Fatty, pale, and/or foul-smelling? If so, these might be signs of an issue in one particular deficiency. Normally, people would be quick to assume that this is a sign of a digestive issue, but according to one team, it has everything to do with liver function. Why? As it turns out, the liver produces specific substances and enzymes critical for colon health, heart health, stool consistency, and bowel movement, among others. Curious to see where this team is headed? Here’s everything there is to know about Liver Flow Plus.

What is Liver Flow Plus?

Liver Flow Plus is a constipation and bloating support formula that aims to improve bowel function and stool consistency. Normally, formulas that claim to alleviate constipation, bloating, abdominal pain, fatigue, and so forth focus on the digestive system. However, in line with the creators’ views, the real issue lies with liver function. The liver produces and releases key substances that break down fats for absorption and other enzymes that improve the various aspects of colon function. Without these components, individuals are highly likely to be deprived of smooth bowel movements. Naturally, the first step entails boosting liver function. What about the rest, you ask? This is the direction we are heading next.

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How does Liver Flow Plus work?

Liver Flow Plus works by enhancing bile secretion. Bile acids, as defined in one source [1], are substances the liver produces to help filter the blood. In particular, the liver sorts toxins, dead blood cells, and excess cholesterol into bile. These are then sent through our bile ducts in the small intestines, where they break down fats for absorption. Another source that emphasized the importance of bile secretion underlined that it is the “major route whereby cholesterol is lost from the body,” confirming that it is “essential for effective digestion and absorption of dietary fats [2].”

Although the effects of bile acids on dietary fats and fat breakdown are very well established, many people have neglected their positive impact on bowel function. The two commonly available bile acids are cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA). After promoting intestinal fat absorption, a significantly large proportion of these substances are absorbed by the ileal BA transporters (IBAT) for “recycling back to the liver.” A minute 5% pass through the colon. Nevertheless, bile acids are renowned as natural laxatives. Additionally, it is believed to influence colon motor activity.

A review that covered the physiology [3] of the colon explained that the colon motor activity refers to muscle movement and contractions in the colon, critical for transporting and excreting waste products and undigested food. In addition to helping with bowel movement, ongoing activity supposedly ensures healthy absorption of water and electrolytes as well. It’s when said activity experiences a slowdown that people find themselves suffering from constipation, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, among other related consequences.

The creators of Liver Flow Plus noted that bile acid production tends to lower with age, with the combination of external factors (i.e., environmental toxins) and inflammation of the liver giving rise to blockages in bile flow and consequently, triggering chronic constipation. Considering the risks at play, the Liver Flow Plus has been formulated to increase bile production and ensure healthy liver function.

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What ingredients are inside Liver Flow Plus?

The main ingredients inside Liver Flow Plus are inspired by Indian traditional tea consumption practices. These include:

Chebulic Myrobalan

Chebulic myrobalan (or Haritaki) is a plant used in Ayurvedic medicine. It is found in India, in wild forests at high altitudes. Regarding its therapeutic effects, one source [4] explained that it largely serves as a “bowel regulatory tonic and gentle laxative.” This is because the fruit’s seed contains emollient properties thought to support healthy digestion, intestinal and bodily cleansing, and normal secretions of mucosal membranes. The latter is imperative for barricading against harmful substances (i.e., digestive acids and pathogens), increasing nutrient absorption, and maintaining a moist digestive tract, which is critical for passing food and waste through the intestine.

A more recent comprehensive review [5] that explored its pharmacological properties underlined its usefulness in not only digestive health but also bleeding, carminative, diarrhea, liver tonic, and skin disorders, to say the least. Our editorial team was also able to confirm that this Indian plant has the potential to protect cardiovascular health by increasing HDL cholesterol levels while alleviating phospholipid, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.

That said, the researchers do encourage careful identification and validation of novel ingredients like Haritaki, at least from a scientific stance, as efficacy, safety, toxicity, and dosage are not entirely established yet. In the grand scheme of things, there is promising evidence to pursue further investigations.

East Indian Globe Thistle

The East Indian globe thistle (or Sphaeranthus indicus) [6] is a flowering plant found in the Himalayas. A relatively outdated phytopharmacological review on the plant highlighted its “hypotensive, anxiolytic, neuroleptic, hypolipidemic, immunomodulatory, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, bronchodilatory, antihyperglycemic, and hepatoprotective properties.” Of importance to the Liver Flow Plus is its hepatoprotective properties. In particular, the researchers referenced a study in which the flower heads of the plant were found to protect the liver from damage caused by conventional painkillers. How so?

It contains a rich source of methanolic compound, which is responsible for such an outcome. The compound helped improve markers of liver health and boost antioxidant enzymes. In terms of markers of liver health, the review suggested that the East Indian globe thistle might maintain health levels of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), which when found in excess, could cause blockages to the bile ducts, as well as others that all point to liver damage with higher levels: glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, glutamate pyruvate transaminase, acid phosphatase, and bilirubin.

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To further the health properties of the above-listed ingredients, the creators also added:

Ox Bile

Ox bile supplements contain bovine-derived bile, normally in the form of bile acids, salts, cholesterols, and other substances. According to one expert [7], a bile salt deficiency gives rise to various conditions including malabsorption, chronic digestive concerns, and gallstones. When taken at effective doses, ox bile is believed to speed up digestion, increase fat-soluble nutrients, regulate detoxification processes and thyroid function, and reduce constipation and dysbiosis. Malabsorption triggers undigested fat to enter the large intestines, which is deemed the root cause of pale and fatty stools, bloating, and abdominal pain.

To better digestion, it is often suggested to increase bile salt bioavailability, as this would help with bowel movements and direct water into the digestive tract to maintain stool consistency. Another issue that might be resolved with ox bile is liver health. Fat accumulation in the liver is infamous for fatty liver disease, consequently depriving the organ of supporting breaking down and eliminating toxic substances. Finally, bile salts are essential for maintaining balance in the liver and exhibiting anti-inflammatory properties.

The latter point is especially important to consider because it might lead to abdominal pain and cramping, inconsistent stools, and, in the worst-case scenario, increase the risk of colon cancer (but this is if individuals are faced with chronic inflammation).

Artichoke Extract

Artichoke [8] is a type of thistle used in cooking and for medicinal purposes. It contains a rich source of fiber, antioxidants, and other nutrients, which might explain its positive influence on health and digestive and liver functions. Starting with heart health, this extract has been proven to lower total and bad cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and cholesterol formation, all of which support heart health. As for digestive health, artichokes provide an abundant source of fiber by increasing gut bacteria, alleviating constipation and diarrhea, and efficiently moving food through the digestive tract.

Finally, when it comes to liver health, artichokes have been demonstrated to increase bile production critical for removing harmful toxins from the liver and decreasing inflammation (namely, in mice with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease). Similar results were reported in human studies, where 600 mg of artichoke extract daily for two months led to an improvement in liver function. Other benefits include eased symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, high blood sugar levels, and cancer growth, to list a few others.

Slippery Elm

Slippery elm [9] is a tree found in eastern United States and Ontario, Canada. The inner bark is predominantly used to create ailments to treat fevers, wounds, and sore throats. When mixed with water, the bark creates a sticky substance called mucilage, which might be able to soothe various symptoms. In relation to bowel health, slippery elm acts as a demulcent. In other words, it soothes the stomach and intestinal lining, reducing irritation. More recently, studies have suggested possible improvements in the symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseases, such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome.

So far, there might be evidence from a small clinical study that a mixture containing slippery elm enhanced bowel movement. The question, of course, is whether the effects are due to mostly slippery elm, the other ingredients, or are they a result of some synergistic effects? It is hard to tell at the moment, warranting further investigation.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. What are some obvious signs of bile deficiencies?

A. So far, known signs of bile deficiencies include a slow digestive system, feeling heavy after meals, abdominal pain or bloating, deficiencies in fat-soluble vitamins, constipation, fluctuations in stool consistency, gallstones, dry skin, and/or poor detoxification [7].

Q. Is Liver Flow Plus safe?

A. The creators consider Liver Flow Plus as a safe supplement, as it is manufactured in an FDA-registered GMP-certified facility. Moreover, they argue that their use of all-natural ingredients has fewer damaging side effects than prescription medication. That said, individuals need to understand that the effects of certain ingredients on the body vary from person to person. Therefore, it is imperative to do research concerning one’s health beforehand.

Additionally, our editorial team has yet to get hold of a supplement’s facts. The chances are that Liver Flow Plus contains a proprietary blend of the above-mentioned ingredients, but this needs to be confirmed along with the dosage.

Q. Who should consider Liver Flow Plus?

A. Liver Flow Plus might be suitable for most adults with any form of chronic constipation or poor bile flow. Those who suffer from digestive issues due to eating out, traveling, or being active might benefit from this supplement. That said, pregnant and nursing mothers and people on medication may want to consult with a healthcare practitioner before deciding.

Q. How do I take Liver Flow Plus?

A. Based on the ingredients, it might be best to take each serving with the biggest and high-fat meal of the day, as this would help with the digestion of fats and fat-soluble vitamins. Individuals are encouraged to read the bottle labeling to confirm the specifics of the best time of day and the number of capsules per serving.

Q. Can I take Liver Flow Plus if I take other supplements?

A. Technically, the creators of Liver Flow Plus cannot give any advice on taking multiple supplements simultaneously. While they can provide recommendations, these are not necessarily set in stone and might not apply to everyone. As such, individuals are strongly recommended to speak with a healthcare provider and to do their due diligence as seen fit.

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Q. What are the reported benefits of taking Liver Flow Plus?

A. Liver Flow Plus has been formulated to boost bile flow and promote healthy liver function. An increase in bile flow is expected to help the intestines contract more often, thereby pushing out stool more efficiently. The ingredients in this formula also increase water content in the tract, helping with smoother stool consistency, and thereby improving overall bowel function. Other benefits include protection against harmful substances, lowered cholesterol levels, and reduced inflammation.

Q. What other features does Liver Flow Plus have?

A. Besides consisting of all-natural ingredients, the Liver Flow Plus is non-GMO, stimulant-free, non-habit-forming, and completely tasteless.

Q. How long will it take for Liver Flow Plus shipments to arrive?

A. Liver Flow Plus shipments to the contiguous United States are expected to arrive within the first 5 to 7 business days from the purchase date. The timeframe is somewhat up in the air for international orders, as each country’s customs clearance procedures are unique. On average, individuals are asked to wait up to 15 business days before seeking customer support assistance.

Q. Is Liver Flow Plus protected by a money-back guarantee?

A. Yes. Liver Flow Plus has been protected by a 180-day money-back guarantee. If, within this timeframe, individuals see no improvement in their bowel movements and overall digestive function, customer support can be contacted to initiate discussions on refunds. To get started, individuals may want to jot down the following pieces of information:

Phone: 1 (833) 916-8745

Email: support@liverflowplus.com.

How much does Liver Flow Plus cost?

Each Liver Flow Plus bottle should last one month. Since rectifying the liver and promoting bile production might require time, bulk purchases are encouraged. This also ensures consistent consumption for the best possible outcomes. With that, here’s a price rundown:

  • 1 Liver Flow Plus bottle: $69 each, 1 MONTH SUPPLY
  • 3 Liver Flow Plus bottles: $59 each 3 MONTHS SUPPLY
  • 6 Liver Flow Plus bottles: $49 each 6 MONTHS SUPPLY

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To incentivize and support those who place bulk orders, the creators are also throwing in two bonus reports, as briefed below:

Bonus #1. The One-Day Colon Cleanse

The first resource, as hinted in the name, aims to cleanse, flush, and ultimately boost the colon. In it, individuals will find four 30-second detox tea recipes for this purpose. Additionally, the author included eight household spices believed to reduce inflammation and boost metabolism, a particular fruit for calming an upset stomach, an orange flower poised to ease bloating, and toxic vegetables to avoid entirely, among other pointers.

Bonus #2. The Fast Track Mindset Makeover

Constipation relief not only physically frees individuals but also mentally. With this resource, individuals will learn how to take advantage of a clear mental state to make the most out of their lives. This includes performing a 10-second method to release stress and calm the mind, a ritual believed to boost self-esteem and confidence, and a little trick to overcome any hurdle that might be thrown into one’s life. Last, but not least, The Fast Track Mindset Makeover aims to emphasize the importance of permanently rewiring anxiety triggers first thing in the morning.


The Wrap-Up

To recap, Liver Flow Plus is a constipation and bloating support formula with two underlying mechanisms. First, it aims to increase bile acids, which are released into the small intestine to break down fat and increase the absorption of nutrients critical for the production of digestive enzymes. These enzymes further break down fat into fatty acids, which are absorbed by the walls of the small intestine. This results in two sub-results. As the absorption of fat increases, the risk of undigested fats entering the intestine reduces, preventing undesirable digestive issues.

The second sub-result is the impact that bile acids have on colon motor activity, i.e., the movement and contraction of the colon. From our research, movement and contraction of the colon contribute to stool frequency and ease of movement of stools. To facilitate efficient movement, bile acids also help the colon to absorb water, maintaining a desirable stool consistency. As for the remaining mechanism, it involves enhancing liver function. After all, the liver is responsible for both producing and releasing bile acids. Liver Flow Plus appears to lower cholesterol and fat accumulation in the liver, two factors that lead to damage.

Now, coming to the ingredients themselves, this is where our editorial team spent a lot of time reflecting. The two main Indian ingredients have been traditionally used to increase bile, improve digestive health, and possibly liver function. While the duo has been implemented in Ayurvedic medicine, do we accept their benefits at face value or wait until more research is conducted to see whether they might help people of different characteristics? For the time being, Western society appears to be in the early stages of research. Promising evidence is good but probably isn’t enough to arrive at firm conclusions.

Our editorial team was more convinced by the secondary ingredients, as these have been around and studied, at least to a larger degree than the duo. All-in-all, the strategy implemented by the creators and what we know of the ingredients seem to align, which is reassuring. However, the strength and generalizability of the results need to be assessed further. For this reason, individuals might want to do their own research before placing an order. To find out more about Liver Flow Plus, visit here>>>.


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