Sports contributor
Entering her fourth year, Orcas School Athletic Director Vicki Vandermay is as committed as ever, but she starts her first year without a daughter on a team.
“It’s going to be very tough for me,” she said. “For the last seven years I have traveled to all the games watching my daughters play, but it’s going to be a great year for Orcas.”
Asked about changes this year, Vicki said, “I have three new athletic directors in the league, which will generate a lot of phone calls with them learning the ropes. Football has combined with Lopez, which just happened at the beginning of the season. Logistics will be interesting with the ferry schedules. We have cheerleaders and hope they can travel to some of our away games. We have Cross Country this year and Laura Hohman has done some really good work on the schedule. We have a new very committed and active volleyball coach, Rebekah Hardee, so there is are new faces and a lot going on.”