Girls’ soccer: a close group of players who support each other | Sports Preview

Chris Doherty returns for his second year as the Lady Vikings soccer coach. “I am really looking forward to this year especially since most of my players have returned and I have really got to know them well,” he said.


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Chris Doherty returns for his second year as the Lady Vikings soccer coach.

“I am really looking forward to this year especially since most of my players have returned and I have really got to know them well,” he said.

Doherty, who played soccer in England and was the Orcas middle school coach for 10 years, sees his team improving over last year. He attributes that to the daily double practices his dedicated team endures.

“I know the two-a-days demand a lot from my players, but the results are clear with improved ball handling, teamwork and overall skills,” he said. “The girls love music and when they start dancing in the middle of practice, I generally have to give them a few minutes to work it out.”

The season will be a challenge for the Vikings as their numbers are still low compared to other NW 1A/2B teams with volleyball and soccer dividing up a the minimal available players.

Doherty says despite their challenges, his Vikings are an amazing, tight group of young ladies that support each other and the goals of the team.