High School Sailing Team spring season wrap

The high school sailing team finished up its spring season in May, placing third at both district championships.

The team was very competitive at both regattas, and just missed advancing to nationals. At the end of the season, the team was awarded the 2019 NWISA sportsmanship award for its outstanding work both on and off the race course, a fitting culmination of years of competition for the five seniors on the team.

The sailors will now focus on the Ray Jarecki Youth Regattas hosted by Orcas Island Yacht Club on July 6 and 7.

The OIYC summer junior sailing lessons start June 24 and run for 10 weeks. This the 27th year for the program, and Sail Orcas is very pleased to announce that Julia Soes along with Emma Freedman and Millie Kau will head up the instruction.

Classes are filling up fast so register now at https://sailorcas.org/Jr_sailing_registration_form.php.

Sail Orcas is also offering Tuesday night all ages laser racing in Westsound. This is open to all sailors on the island; some lasers will be available each Tuesday. For more information, email orcassailingcoach@gmail.com.

Also mark your calendars for the Sail Orcas marine yard sale and Burger Bash with free sailboat rides on Saturday, July 13, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the OIYC picnic shelter.