Beau Wiebe, an Orcas Island student, who wrestles with the Friday Harbor Wolverines wrestling team placed first at his weight…
by Marty Zier
The Orcas Christian School Saints boys basketball team earned regional attention when it unanimously chose to forfeit its opportunity to…
The last weekend in January the Orcas Christian School Saints attended the Walla Walla Friendship Tournament. This is a tournament…
by Marty Zier
by Marty Zier
by Marty Zier
The Orcas Island Wrestling Club traveled to Stanwood on Jan. 6, where 12 of its youth wrestlers competed. The tournament…
Jason and Jacob Linnes of Island Market donated $3,700 wall pads to Orcas Boosters for the basketball gym walls.
by Marty Zier
by Marty Zier
Submitted by the Orcas Christian School.
The fourth- and fifth-grade S.W.I.S.H. girls basketball team from Orcas went 8-0 in their regular season and then took third…