The Orcas Island High School Sailing Team has been very busy the past few weekends, participating in both of Northwest District Interscholastic Sailing Association’s district championships.
The team grabbed second place at fleet racing districts, competing against the 20 best teams from Washington and Oregon, earning a berth to the Mallory Trophy National Championship in Houston, Texas, on April 28 and 29 in Seattle. The team then traveled to Silverdale for 3-on-3 team racing districts. Orcas sailed to a perfect score with a 13-0 record over the course of the two days making them team race district champions and qualifying them for the Baker Trophy National Championship in San Diego, California.
The team, under coaching from Hannah Tuson-Turner, has worked hard all season on boat handling and tactical decision-making on the race course. That work and dedication really showed up at districts. The work and dedication started years ago when these high school sailors learned to sail in the Orcas Island Yacht Club junior summer lessons. They were taught to sail at that time by summer instructor, and college freshman Tuson-Turner, and have continued to expand their skills with lessons, clinics and youth regattas every summer.
To celebrate the team’s success, Sail Orcas and the Orcas Island Yacht club are throwing a Burger-Bash from 3–6:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 20, at the Orcas Island Yacht Club picnic shelter. Meet the team and coaches, hear their stories and help send them off to Nationals. Get a burger, salad and dessert for $15.