Volleyball champs

The winners of the 2013 Summer 4X4 Grass Volleyball Tournament on Aug. 18 on Orcas Island were Antonio Zapeta, Juan Nunez, Ignacio Cruz and Victor Perez.

The winners of the 2013 Summer 4X4 Grass Volleyball Tournament on Aug. 18 on Orcas Island were Antonio Zapeta, Juan Nunez, Ignacio Cruz and Victor Perez. The four fought their way through a full day of pool play and playoffs to beat all of the other teams in the tournament, finishing with a dominating performance against runners up Emily Gaff, Haley Winchell, Collin Waledisch and Bruce Entrikin. Open rec play continues through the summer on Wednesdays starting at 6:30 p.m. in Buck Park every week.